News Flash


Posted on: July 4, 2023

Independence Day Safety Tips for Pets & Veterans

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As Independence Day approaches, communities across the United States eagerly anticipate the dazzling fireworks displays that have become synonymous with the holiday. While many look forward to these festivities and marvel at the brilliant showings of patriotism, it can be a very distressing time for pets, who are sensitive to loud bursts of sound, and our veterans who may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By implementing the following strategies and tips during your Independence Day Celebration, you can help alleviate stress and triggers to provide a more relaxing holiday.


1. Create a safe environment: set up a quiet and comfortable area indoors for your pets to stay during fireworks.

2. Keep identification up to date: pets go missing around the 4th of July more than any other time of year due to the loud fireworks. Collars with IDs and microchips are essential in the return of lost pets.

3. Drown out the noise: keep pets indoors. Close windows and curtains and play music or turn on the TV helps to reduce the sound of fireworks.

4. Tire them out: give your pets plenty of exercise during the day to help them fall asleep by the time the fireworks start.

5. Stay calm and act normal: acting normally helps reassure pets that nothing is wrong and can help calm them down.


1. Plan ahead: Be aware of when and where fireworks will be set off to help mentally prepare.

2. Use noise-canceling headphones: high-quality noise-canceling headphones help mute the loud sounds of fireworks.

3. Communicate with friends and family: inform loved ones of triggers and coping mechanisms so they can provide support.

4. Exercise: physical activity can reduce stress levels and provide a distraction to help reduce anxiety.

5. Talk to your neighbors: while fireworks displays are scheduled, individuals may set off fireworks at inconsistent intervals. Ask neighbors for a heads-up if they plan on setting off fireworks so it doesn’t come as a surprise.

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