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Notify Me®

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You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Special Improvement DistrictReceive alerts regarding all business related topics; upcoming events, meetings, offers, news, etc. by signing up for this Notify Me system.

Agenda Center

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You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Environmental Commission
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Housing Authority
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Municipal Alliance
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Planning Board
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Rahway City CouncilPlease visit the Rahway City Council page for access to the latest agendas, minutes, resolutions, ordinances, public notices, and more.
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Rahway Redevelopment Agency
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Social Justice Commission
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Zoning Board of Adjustment

Alert Center

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You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Alert Bar
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. City Hall Closed


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You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Boards & Commissions
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. City Hall Closed
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Community Events
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Community Health Events
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Council CalendarThe Municipal Council is made up of nine members elected by the citizens of Rahway. There are six wards in the City of Rahway and a Councilmember is elected by the citizens from each respective ward. There are three Councilmembers-at-large who represent the entire City and run with the Mayor. All Councilmembers are part-time. If a legal or national holiday falls on that Monday, the meeting is held on the next succeeding day, Tuesday. During the month of June, the meeting is held on the Wednesday after the second Monday. When necessary, special meetings may be called by the Mayor or Council President. No meeting of the Council can begin prior to 6:30 pm. Regular meetings will be held at 7 pm in the Municipal Council/ Court Chambers of the City Hall, 1 City Hall Plaza, Rahway, New Jersey.
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Other EventsOther events not covered under other categories

Government Jobs

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You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Administration
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Code Enforcement
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Department of Engineering and Land Use
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Elections
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Health Department
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Municipal Court
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Parking Utility
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Police Department
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Public Works
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Recreation & Senior Services
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Revenue & Finance
You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. SID (SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT)Special Improvement District

News Flash

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You must sign in to subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists. Spotlights